
TRUSTED BY 5000+ Restaurants

Best Suitable For


Monyoo makes the experience of your restaurant much easier and more productive. It will add much value and saves most of your time.


Your hotel clients will have the privilege of choosing their own meals from the comfort of their rooms by using their QR codes. It will increase your food demand and make your clients happier.

Food Take Away

Customers can buy food without the need to contact your restaurant directly. By using QR codes, they can order it anytime or directly take it without the need of any employees.

How It Works?

This site is very easy to use by simply scrolling up and down in the pages as they are will-designed to be in the place you just want them to be in.
Watch the video below for more info on how to use the site step by step.

Get Real Time Updates

You will get in detail the number of orders you receive

What products are the most or less selling

The exact time of purchases

What changes you have on your menu.


Transform, How Monyoo Drive Your Business

You will have charts for all the activities in your menu

In-depth reports about your customers’ orders

What your customers prefer or like

Scaling your future business worldwide.
